What do you think of the latest peace offer from the crazy stalker lawyer We think they collapsed because she realized she wasever win. Request wont be deleted Do you really think Tom has his ear pierced Or the lighting is just wrong to take his ear Heres the article about the peace offer: http://www.bild.de/BILD/news/bild-english/home/regularieninhalte/celebrity-gossip-ticker/top-celeb-ews/2009/04/24/tokio- hotel-boys-to-get-lawyer.html stars appreciated =

We doot think they should accept it. They have done much worse than what he has done, and the only reason why, in caves, as the Kaulitz twins have evidence and they know it wasot that what Tom was doing wrong. It was only self-defense. He should press charges against them completely They deserve to get into conflict with the law. & Get to a restriction. PS One part of me wishes that the peace with the agreement .. the only way they can again work on the album haha:)
Tokio Hotel Fans Peace Offering
Tokio Hotel fans Peace Offering