The devastating earthquake in Haiti is on everyone's mind, and union members are among the many who are stepping up to help relief efforts on-the-ground and with financial support.
01/13/10—The FBWe today reminds Internet users who receive appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical eye.
haitian earthquake relief Musings of a Quaker Witch: Haitian earthquake relief
Some 5700 US marines and soldiers are expected to join Haitian earthquake relief efforts this weekend. The UN says its peacekeeping force should be in Haiti.
The outpouring of help in the Twitter community did not go unnoticed, as journalist Lisa Ling noted, "Blown away by how many ppl jumped in to support earthquake relief for Haiti. THIS is what social networking is really good for!
haitian earthquake relief Brangelina Donate $1 Million to Haiti Earthquake Relief
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Is billionaire golfer Tiger Woods emering from obscurity to lend a hand to the earthquake-stricken island of Haiti Russell Simmons sure thinks so! The hip-hop mogul has been encouraging his Twitter followers to donate to Haiti relief
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