Tell your people to get off of welfare, get a job, no more children out of wedlock, pay taxes and join the rest of the world. in the mainstream is sex, abuse, drugs, live fast, die hard and or get rich trying. We can't fault Cosby for trying, but he also doesn't control the airwaves. Where's the Black Station in outer space? Cosby be like Howard Stern and get a Sirius Channel for Blacks to talk and self-reflect? I'd help you with that project. I was the Quasi-Liberal.
in da interviews dats all dey ask 50 so wat do u expect him 2 say stupid fucks yall sum gay-z dick blowers stop hating n how iz 50 scared of jay yall iz retarded real tlk how iz jealous 50 runs NEW YORK. xi Spacejam xi Says: Howard Stern and 50 Cent actually made a great conversation! Fuck numbers! Its not like we, the followers, are making money off of them anyway! Thats the artist and the record company problem to deal with! Me personally, I only take sides when
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